As it is stated in it's manual Dakota is the first generic optimization software that is available for wide range of engineering applications. Thanks to it's rich content it can be coupled with any simulation software via scripting. Check out our Dakota-OpenFOAM and Dakota-SU2 tutorials.
Below is a snippet used for an input file for DAKOTA for one of our tutorials coupling OpenFOAM and DAKOTA.
Below is a snippet used for an input file for DAKOTA for one of our tutorials coupling OpenFOAM and DAKOTA.
- Adams, B.M., Bauman, L.E., Bohnhoff, W.J., Dalbey, K.R., Ebeida, M.S., Eddy, J.P., Eldred, M.S., Hough, P.D., Hu, K.T., Jakeman, J.D., Stephens, J.A., Swiler, L.P., Vigil, D.M., and Wildey, T.M., "Dakota, A Multilevel Parallel Object-Oriented Framework for Design Optimization, Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Sensitivity Analysis: Version 6.0 User’s Manual," Sandia Technical Report SAND2014-4633, July 2014. Updated November 2015 (Version 6.3).
- Dakota Website
- Dakota User's Manual