First Post - Motivation for the blog
As a first post, we wanted to talk briefly on the motivation of our upcoming posts.
We are a team of engineers working at Rotorbit Engineering ( Our team has considerable experience in academia and industry conducting computational work. We use a large number of tools, approaches, libraries (which are almost exclusively open-source) in our daily operations and are constantly trying hard to improve our working philosophy with newly emerging ideas.
We are starting to maintain a blog for three main reasons;
1) Put pressure on ourselves to share our approaches in a clear and organized way
2) Help people out with new ideas to improve their work
3) Get feedback from people for improving our working philosophy
Our posts will include a rather large family of computational tools, libraries, techniques, etc. We are pretty sure some blogs will be familiar to you or seem trivial. Nonetheless, we hope that the totality of our posts will be helpful for everyone, ranging from people who has just delved into computational research as well as seasoned people which some of our posts might compliment their computational arsenal with new approaches, examples or tools. We will also be sharing example cases with individual tools or a combination of them on github (
That being said thank you very much for visiting our website, please do not hesitate to drop your comments below the posts with questions or suggestions. The picture above is hanging on the wall of our office, it should give you an idea on the topics will be discussing in the future.
Rotorbit Team